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most important dental care tips for cat

Dental care should not be ignored for indoor cats. The cats can get serious illnesses from having dental issues. Many...

The reason behind the good mentality of cat owners

Bringing a cat home feels like you have brought a new chatty but calm, fluffy, and lively pet doll at...

7 Most important things you can try to litter train your stray cat

Litter training is essential for indoor cats, as our indoors need to be clean, and we don’t want to make...

Five essentials of cat care that your kitties demand from you

Unlike humans, animals are unable to express their needs through their vocals, as they have different sounds. Although they make...

Parasites in cats (10 most common internal and external parasites)

Parasites in cats are harmful to the cats, although they are almost invisible. Different internal or external parasites can attack...

Why are some senior cats dead against having their regular dry food?

Cats are aloof from their human counterparts; unlike dogs, they prefer solitude and independence, even if they are indoor cats...

Discover a simple guide on traveling with cats

Going on holiday, having a family picnic, or traveling somewhere, you might want to bring your most beloved fluffy ball...

A Quick Guide to Natural Cat Food

Mother Nature is the source of all genuine ingredients. You can always be right when taking food from nature or...

Homemade kitten food: Easy and affordable recipes

Kittens, the most delicate and tender of all cat ages, require special care and specific nutrition. Not all cat foods...